Real neat blog award


I extend my heartfelt thanks to for nominating me for the Real Neat Blogger Award. Here goes the rules for the award:

1. Put the award logo on your blog.

2. Answer 7 questions asked by the person who nominated you.

3. Thank the people who nominated you, linking to their blogs.

4. Nominate any number of bloggers you like, linking to their blogs.

5. Let them know you nominated them (by commenting on their blog etc.)

The sever questions asked by (I have been asked just five questions) and their answers are:

1) how long have you been blogging

Answer: This is the shortest answer one may see, 41 days.

2) how many hour do you spend blogging

Answer: I have never calculated it as such, I do it whenever I feel like. This is like my main activity of the day.

3)Favourite time of day

Answer: I love mornings, the time between 6:00 AM to 12:00 noon.

4)your favourite post topic

Answer: I write about anything which touches my mind and heart. This topics are mostly related to what I see and observe around me

5) your favourite country to visit on the internet

Answer: Germany, no second thoughts on this one.

I hereby nominate the following bloggers for the ‘Real neat blog award’:


2)The Otaku Judge


4)Lorna’s Voice


6) Amommasview

7) erikakind

My questions to the fellow bloggers are:

1) Do you ever bother about what people think about you?

2) Rate WordPress and social-media on a scale of ten

3) What was the real purpose of starting a blog?

4) Have you ever tried to spam people for increasing the hits on your blog?

5) How do you rate blogging as a career opportunity?

6) Have you ever hit on your fellow blogger? (This is the kinky one)

7) Observing the current situation all around the world, Do you think that the world needs a makeover?

I am looking forward to the responses.


11 thoughts on “Real neat blog award”

  1. Thanks for the nomination. I don’t like to post responses to awards on my blog so I’ll reply here :-

    1. Maybe when I was younger, but not anymore.

    2. Ten – being able to create a site for free and interact with like minded people, I would never meet in the flesh, is great.

    3. I wanted to have a more permanent online record of my reviews as some of the sites I write for are winding down.

    4. No. I really should make more of an effort to promote my site, but spamming is not the way to go about it.

    5. I don’t rate it highly as a career prospect. I haven’t made a dime from my blog and just write for fun.

    6. Not since I got that restraining order.

    7. Yes. Society is getting worse with selfish people abusing positions of power and radicals committing horrific acts.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Reblogged this on Author Erika Kind and commented:
    I was just nominated for the REAL NEAT BLOG AWARD. A big, big Thank you to for this nomination. As I announced a few weeks ago I will list all the beautiful awareds in my page Awards.

    Please take a look at this young and fresh spirit you will find on . One more thank you to his direction! I was very surprised about the nomination and this makes me even more happy!

    Liked by 1 person

  3. thanx, young man! I’m pleased and honored by your nomination, but I’ve already mentioned @ “about” that my playground is a NO-award rye field… O.K. I’m gonna make an exception to that rule… 🙂

    1) Do you ever bother about what people think about you?
    – yep, but ONLY real and close people… 🙂

    2) Rate WordPress and social-media on a scale of ten
    – as a teacher, I’d say: 9/10 for WP… 🙂

    3) What was the real purpose of starting a blog?
    – I like playing and juggling with words… 🙂

    4) Have you ever tried to spam people for increasing the hits on your blog?
    – nope, ’cause I don’t give a damn on traffic, I’ve detected fake & immediate “likers”(trolls!) from the very beginning and I simply ignore them… 😀

    5) How do you rate blogging as a career opportunity?
    – dunno… ’cause I’ve never been interested in this matter… 🙂

    6) Have you ever hit on your fellow blogger? (This is the kinky one)
    – kinky question, indeed… 😉 this long post may give you the answer; the English version is under the pix: 🙂

    falling in love with words?!… – N.B. long post…:-)

    7) Observing the current situation all around the world, Do you think that the world needs a makeover?
    – have you followed the recent horrible attacks in Paris, France – my homeland?… it’s said that history repeats itself, and it’s unfortunately true… 😦 our planet can’t survive without FREEDOM & DEMOCRACY!!! FREEDOM is the engine of DEMOCRACY, it does have a heavy price and we should NEVER forget that it’s not just an outdated word. We need to protect civil peace at all costs, to accept our differences, to live together in France and all over the world… I was living in the US when the “9/11″ tragedy occurred and I did feel American, today je suis Charlie – to life and death, like millions of people in solidarity with my fellow countrymen. PLEASE-SVP sign and forward this petition to show the extremists that France and the free world (will) remain united against barbarism:

    Liked by 1 person

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