The Window

On a silent lazy Saturday evening

As the sun was leaving from work

Night shift stars were getting ready

And I looked out of the dark window

An iron bench was there in the park

Her head resting on his shoulders

The cold evening was getting hotter

Passion was getting into it’s groove

Beyond the rules of right and wrong

Two souls seeing the reddened skies

And I pulled down the curtains then

This window always gives me stories

Because this window is of memories…

18 thoughts on “The Window”

    1. Thanks a lot for your wishes, I wish you a life filled with brightness and splendor. Writing and Research are my two wives, later is getting more attention these days. 😉
      Professional life has been on the right track, I hope it goes on. It feels nice to hear from you after a long time. Have a great Sunday. 🙂

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