3 Day Quote Challenge-Day 1

My favorite personality of the blogosphere has Kind as her surname, do I need to say anything else? Erika has given me an opportunity to stir my mind for three days. I thank her for nominating me for the ‘”3 Day Quote Challenge”. The rules for accepting this challenge are:

The Rules:

  1. Post 1 quote a day for 3 days (can be your own or from other sources)
  2. Nominate 3 bloggers to participate per post
  3. Thank the person who nominated you

Here are the nominees:

1. Stephanie

2. Dorkchops

3. Kate

Congratulation to the nominees, I am waiting for the responses.

Finally, this is my quote for the first day:

If revenge makes someone win, it’s the person against you


31 thoughts on “3 Day Quote Challenge-Day 1”

  1. Thank you for offering me the chance to participate in another cool exercise! I am not sure if I can comply with all the rules of the challenge, though, since I hardly know anyone on WordPress. I would like to post some inspirational quotes — and, of course, give you credit for prompting me, if that would be all right with you? 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

          1. I will!!! Once activated the happiness within it is the greatest happiness to ignite the feeling in others. There is no greater joy than seeing others happy and being surrounded by happiness 🙂

            Liked by 1 person

          2. Hahaha! You won’t end up where you don’t want to be for sure. As far as I followed you blog by today its development goes towards a wonderful inspiring direction.

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          1. You are in good company since we are all normal bloggers. The wonderful thing is that each of us shares something no one else has. Thank you for sharing your “something” with us 🙂

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