Running with the crowd

I have been following a healthy routine since quite some time and I experienced something which has induced me to write about it. The gym usually closes at 9:00 AM on Mondays and I reached there at 8:00 AM. To my surprise, I saw a long queue of people who were taking back their membership card and leaving gym one-by-one. When I am following a plan, such unexpected things irritate me. I asked one girl about it and she told me that it is closing a bit early today. I held back my disappointment and just sneaked through the corridor, the treadmill’s switch was on. Nobody was sitting at the entry counter. The fitness freak within me decided to just hit the machine and wait till someone asks me to leave. I put my card at the designated place and occupied my locker. I was not breaking any rule because I was following the regular schedule of the gym. Two girls came at the door,they observed the empty gym and left. Then came few more guys, they derived confidence from the noise of my shoes hitting the treadmills’ floor moving at 20 km per hour. Then few more poured in and the deserted gym came alive. My workout was bound to get skipped if I would have followed the herd, but I followed my instincts.

Life gives us numerous such situations where we should just follow our gut. When you are right, just back yourself and you will feel the magic of confidence. I have taken my lesson, this small incident has improved me as a person.


16 thoughts on “Running with the crowd”

  1. Great post. This happens always. Following the mob is our nature. And it is very difficult to deviate from our nature. You did that. 🙂

    And thanks for finding my blog 4 year old adult 😛

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    1. Everyone faces a situation where helplessness hovers over the mind, that is the point when one must take the lead and direct the mind towards the better things of life. I have not mastered it yet, but I often handle such situations well. Thank you for expressing your views 🙂

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  2. welcome to Taiwan and good luck, dude! 🙂
    * * *
    @” I have taken my lesson, this small incident has improved me as a person.” – yesss! life teaches us new lessons – (almost!) every day… 🙂
    have a serene evening and keep on following your healthy routine! 🙂

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